We have central heating now and I am so grateful for it. However, there is a world of difference between the heat of the radiators and the heat of the log burner.
The radiators take time to heat up and though they heat the rooms well when they are on, their benefit disappears almost as soon the central heating is switched off. Very soon, you feel the chill again.
The log burner, once lit, offers an almost instant, penetrating warmth. It reaches through every layer and into every last cold nook of the body, leaving you gloriously satisfied. As the fire dies down, the heat remains in the fabric of the building for hours to come.
I was thinking about this as I lit the fire this afternoon. Thinking about how God is the log burner, offering a true and satisfying warmth and how the radiators are like…everything else.
The radiators are all the things we think will satisfy us but never quite do, even if they are very wonderful and worthwhile things. Nothing comes close to the true warmth of God’s embrace.