A young couple wander through the woodland as night begins to fall. They are chit chattering about the problems of the day. Complaining and worrying about this and that.
Suddenly, out of the growing darkness, a sweep of white feathers glides right across their path and then disappears upwards and out of sight.
The couple stand in silent stillness, gazing at the place where the owl disappeared from view. The crumpled lines of worry across their foreheads have been replaced by wonder and delight.
On this particular winter evening, in this particular patch of woodland, this particular young couple have been offered a gift they didn’t know they needed. With a sweep of white feathers they have been pulled from their heads into their hearts. They have been severed from their shallow thoughts and reconnected to the real.
With nothing left to worry or complain about, they walk silently hand in hand amongst the trees, the peace of love pulsing in their hearts.